International Federation for Human Rights

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International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) has a mandate "to contribute to the respect of all the rights defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. FIDH aims at obtaining effective improvements in the protection of victims, the prevention of Human Rights violations and the sanction of their perpetrators. Its priorities are set by the triennial World Congress and the International Board (22 members), with the support of the International Secretariat (30 staff members)." [1]

FIDH Network

"FIDH and its member organisation ZimRights are gravely concerned by the flagrant disregard of fundamental rights and police brutality against detainees in Zimbabwe, including numerous leaders of opposition parties and civil society activists, who were arrested on Sunday 11 March whilst attempting to attend a Save Zimbabwe Campaign prayer meeting, which was to be held in Highfield, Harare at Zimbabwe Grounds." [2]


Accessed October 2007: [1]


Secrétaires généraux


Accessed October 2007: [2]

The FIDH thanks the institutions that support its action and in particular:

Institutions Internationales

  • Unesco, Union européenne (Commission européenne), Fonds des volontaires des Nations-Unies pour les Victimes de la Torture, Organisation internationale de la Francophonie.

Institutions nationales

  • le Danemark (Danida, Affaires étrangères), la Finlande (Affaires étrangères), la France (Affaires étrangères, Premier ministre), la Grande-Bretagne (DFID), l’Irlande (Ireland Aid), la Norvège (Affaires étrangères), les Pays-Bas (Affaires

étrangères), la Suède (Sida), la Suisse (Département fédéral des Affaires étrangères, DDC).

Fondations et associations

  • CCFD, Fondation Ford, Fondation Ford Brésil, Fondation de France, Fondation Henrich Boell, Fondation Jean Jaurès, Fondation La Ferthé, Fondation suédoise pour les droits de l’Homme, Fondation des Treilles, Fondation Un monde pour tous, Novib, Paul Hamlyn Foundation, Westminster Foundation for Democracy, Justice et Paix, KIOS, NCOS (Belgique), Rights and Democracy.

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Resources and articles

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  1. Bureau international, International Federation for Human Rights, accessed October 9, 2007.
  2. Bureau international, International Federation for Human Rights, accessed October 10, 2007.