Help:Adding a Vote Watch 2004 item to EP Wiki

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The Election Protection Wiki needs volunteers to add the information from the Vote Watch 2004 incident list which is located at Please focus on the swing states reports.

General Help


  1. First, you'll need to log in to edit (this prevents vandalism and spam). Click on the "Log in" link at the top-right corner of your browser window. If you haven't registered with SourceWatch, all you need is an email address (it won't go on any mailing lists) and it just takes a minute. Click here to register and then come back.
  2. Open the Vote Watch 2004 Swing States incident page, and pick a state.
    • Note: It's best to right-click that link and others on this page (or for Mac users, open-apple-click the link) to open them in a new window. This allows you to easily refer back to these instructions.
    • When you have chosen your own incident to add, look to see if someone else has added the information already.
  3. Edit an Election Protection Wiki’s state threats page. The following illustrations use the Wisconsin State Threats page to demonstrate.
    • Tip: Click the Edit tab on an open page to begin editing the page. You can also edit sections of a page by clicking the Edit link on the right side at the top of a section.

      VSW How To 1.gif

    • After clicking the edit tab:

      VSW How To 2.gif

  4. Choose a category: Locate the best threat category for adding the item.
  5. Use * (shift-8) to designate a new item. Then add the date and type a description of the incident into the editor.
  6. Add a reference footnote for the incident report. Please refer to the SourceWatch article, Help:References.
  7. Save the Page: When you are finished, enter a summary of what you have done to the page in the summary box below the editing window (like “Added VW 2004 entry”). You can then preview your work by clicking "Show preview" or save your work by clicking "Save page."

That's it! You can see this completed example [here].

Again, if you have any questions, just email Conor Kenny at Conoremail.png. Thank you!