Operation Offset

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Operation Offset is the name given by the House Republican Study Committee (RSC), a group of conservative Republicans in the House of Representatives, to the $543 billion spending-cut plan they propose to offset the cost of the Hurricane Katrina "relief and reconstruction effort" of the Gulf Coast. [1][2][3]

Read the September 21, 2005, "internal Republican Study Committee document" posted online by The Raw Story; also available on the RSC website (PDF file).

"Offsetting" the Military

"The Republicans have put their cutting efforts in military terms, calling it 'Operation Offset' - a further insult to the men and women in uniform they are now trying to screw over," David Sirota wrote September 22, 2005. "The specifics are ugly. They are, for instance, asking troops to 'accept reduced health care benefits for their families.' Additionally, 'the stateside system of elementary and secondary schools for military family members could be closed.' In the past, this idea 'has faced strong opposition from parents of children attending the schools because public schools [in and around bases] are seen as offering lower-quality education.'

"None of this, I suppose, is all that surprising," Sirota said. "In the past, we've seen tax cuts put before making sure troops have adequate body armor heading into war - a tax/budget decision that very likely increased U.S. casualties. We've also seen Republicans vote down efforts to reduce tax cuts for the very wealthy in order to restore cuts to military family housing. And we've seen tax cuts come as the White House has refused to adequately fund a variety of other programs for troops. The truth is, the GOP has in moments of candor admitted that they care about cutting taxes for the wealthy far more than they care about the troops.

"As you may recall," Sirota wrote, "it was Tom DeLay who said before the Iraq invasion 'Nothing is more important in the face of a war than cutting taxes.' Apparently to the Republicans, nothing is more important in the face of a war AND massive destruction to the homefront than cutting taxes either."

Related Links

Some of the Proposed Spending Cuts

Support for "Operation Offset"

  • News Release: "FreedomWorks Members to Rally in Support of Operation Offset. Dozens to attend and show support for House effort to fund Katrina relief with budget savings," FreedomWorks.org, September 21, 2005.

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External links

"Heritage Foundation Capitalizes on Katrina: Washington, DC's premier right wing think tank puts forward a laundry list of conservative proposals to rebuild the Gulf Coast,"] Media Transparency, September 15, 2005.