Panos Institute

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The Panos Paris Institute "was established in 1986 as a non governmental organisation focusing on giving support to Media pluralism. Its objectives are :

- Strengthening the Southern Media Central Africa, the Maghreb and the Mediterranean region, West Africa in the 1990's) and their ability to produce and disseminate pluralist information, in relation with all the components of the civil society, which is the guarantee of a culture of peace and democracy ;

- Supporting the production of information on priority issues (peace, good governance, human rights, migrations…) ; promote the journalists and decision-makers expression, from the South and the North on these issues, to foster public debates on those thematic, in the North, the South and at the intersection of these two geographical areas ;

- Sparking off and sustain a critical reflection on information and communication issues in a globalized world, deeply transformed by the development of the technologies of communication." [1]

"The Panos Paris Institute is a member of the Panos Council, a flexible consultative authority, gathering nine Panos entities all over the world." [2]


  • Acdi (Canada)
  • DCI (Ireland)
  • DDC (Swizerland)
  • DFID (United-Kingdom)
  • Fasild (France)
  • MAE (France)
  • SIDA (Sweden)
  • CORDAID (Netherlands)
  • CCFD (France)
  • Regional Councils of Ile de France (France)



