Baxter International

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Baxter International is a global, pharmaceutical and biotechnology company headquarted in Deerfield, Illinois. The company manufactures a wide variety of medical products divided into three divisions, across its three divisions, drugs and vaccines; dialysis equipment and IV supplies. [1]

In the fiscal year ending in December of 2009, the company reported sales of approximately $12.56 billion dollars and had 49,700 employees. [2]

Ties to the American Legislative Exchange Council

Baxter International has been a corporate funder of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)[3][4]. It was listed as a "Director" level sponsor of the 1998 ALEC Annual Conference, but not listed as a "Private Sector Member"[5]. See ALEC Corporations for more.

About ALEC
ALEC is a corporate bill mill. It is not just a lobby or a front group; it is much more powerful than that. Through ALEC, corporations hand state legislators their wishlists to benefit their bottom line. Corporations fund almost all of ALEC's operations. They pay for a seat on ALEC task forces where corporate lobbyists and special interest reps vote with elected officials to approve “model” bills. Learn more at the Center for Media and Democracy's, and check out breaking news on our site.

Animal testing

Baxter Healthcare does animal testing.

Facility information, progress reports & USDA-APHIS reports

For links to copies of a facility's U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)-Animal Plant Health Inspection (APHIS) reports, other information and links, see also Research Facilities: Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Round Lake, IL. [6]

USDA AWA reports

As of May 26, 2009, the USDA began posting all inspection reports for animal breeders, dealers, exhibitors, handlers, research facilities and animal carriers by state. See also USDA Animal Welfare Inspection Reports.

Contract testing

Baxter contract tests out to Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS). [7] Huntingdon Life Sciences is the 3rd largest contract research organization (CRO) in the world and the largest animal testing facility in all of Europe. Firms hire CROs to conduct animal toxicity tests for agrochemicals, petrochemicals, household products, pharmaceutical drugs and toxins. HLS has a long history of gross animal welfare violations. See also Huntingdon Life Sciences.

Funding Patient Groups

In 2006, ECB contributed CHF 30,000 to the European Patients' Forum, a group overwhelmingly funded by the drug industry. [8] One of its priority activities has been to support proposals to overturn the European Union ban on direct-to-consumer advertising. (See Direct-to-consumer advertising: The Campaign To Overturn Europe's Ban for the details of the history of the debate in Europe).

Political contributions

Baxter gave $251,479 to federal candidates in the 2008 election cycle through its political action committee (PAC); 46% to Democrats and 54% to Republicans.[9]


The company spent $4,050,000 for lobbying in 2009. $680,000 went to four outside firms and the rest was spent on in-house lobbying. [10]

Personnel & board

Board members

  • Walter E. Boomer
  • Blake E. Devitt
  • John D. Forsyth
  • Gail D. Fosler
  • James R. Gavin III, M.D., Ph.D.
  • Peter S. Hellman
  • Wayne T. Hockmeyer, Ph.D.
  • Joseph B. Martin, M.D., Ph.D.
  • Robert L. Parkinson, Jr.
  • Carole J. Shapazian
  • Thomas T. Stallkamp
  • Kees J. Storm
  • Albert P.L. Stroucken

Executive officers

  • Joy A. Amundson
  • Peter J. Arduini
  • Robert M. Davis
  • J. Michael Gatling
  • Jeanne K. Mason
  • Bruce McGillivray
  • Robert L. Parkinson, Jr.
  • Norbert G. Riedel
  • David P. Scharf
  • Karenann Terrell
  • Cheryl L. White

Corporate officers

  • Carlos Alonso
  • Michael J. Baughman
  • Robert J. Hombach
  • Mary Kay Ladone
  • Gerald Lema
  • Peter Nicklin
  • Stephanie A. Shinn [11]


Baxter International One Baxter Parkway
Deerfield, IL 60015-4625

Phone: 847-948-2000

Web address:

Articles & sources

SourceWatch articles


  1. Company Description: Baxter International, Inc., Hoovers, accessed March 2010
  2. Key Baxter, Inc. Financials, Hoovers, accessed March 2010
  3. Clearinghouse on Environmental Advocacy and Research, project of the Environmental Working Group, Information on American Legislative Exchange Council, archived organizational profile, archived by Wayback Machine December 2, 2000, accessed August 19, 2011
  4. Defenders of Wildlife, Natural Resources Defense Council, "Corporations and Trades Associations that Fund ALEC," Corporate America's Trojan Horse in the States: The Untold Story Behind the American Legislative Exchange Council, online report, 2003
  5. American Legislative Exchange Council, 25th Annual Meeting, organizational brochure, August 18-22, 1998, archived in Tobacco Library, accessed April 2012
  6. Facility Reports and Information: Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Round Lake, IL, Stop Animal Experimentation NOW!, accessed January 2011
  7. Inside Customers,, accessed December 2009
  8. Transparency Budget , European Patients' Forum, 2006
  9. 2008 PAC Summary Data, Open Secrets, accessed March 2010
  10. 2009 Baxter lobbying expenses, Open Secrets, accessed March 2010
  11. Company Leadership, Baxter, accessed March 2010