Beyond Boundaries

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"In 2009, we began a yearlong Beyond Boundaries (BB) pilgrimage that in some unique ways has never ended. We were an intergenerational group of eight, travelling together in service to centers of regenerative culture around the world, living into the questions of our times and bearing witness to the transformative work being done.

"With the leadership of Gigi Coyle, and our growing intergenerational team, we continue to listen for new expressions of BB. Together we are a kind of response team for our times, responding to invitations and calls for support from a growing global community of highly committed people and places. These are opportunities to build alliances beyond boundaries, beyond culture, beyond our personal and organizational borders, alliances that foster intergenerational, cross-cultural collaboration in care for people, place and planet... We continue as students ourselves ready to learn from each community and situation we meet. In 2012 we responded to calls from Tamera (Portugal), Findhorn (Scotland), International Peace Initiatives (Kenya), and Grandmother Margaret Behan of the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers (Montana). Each of these collaborations has born fruit and the work continues into 2013...

"Beyound Boundaries is blessed to be carried under the umbrella of the Biosphere Foundation. We see Beyond Boundaries not as an organization, but rather as an organizing principal. That means, on some level, anyone can join in to the work that lies ahead...

"In 1980, Gigi Coyle, team leader and visionary behind Beyond Boundaries, was inspired to embark on a year-long walkabout, traveling to projects and communities in the U.S. researching what were then considered ‘alternative’ systems, meeting and learning with individuals and groups committed to sustainable living practices and the healing of self, others, and the planet. This journey seeded Gigi’s life work including projects in international citizen diplomacy, council leadership and training and working as a vision quest guide and trainer for the Ojai Foundation and School of Lost Borders. Today, Gigi is called to pilgrimage again, to connect many of the people and places pioneering alternative design systems that can offer us viable choices as we go forward as a global community. Based on years of accumulated relationships with individuals and organizations all over the globe, Gigi developed Beyond Boundaries, inviting a small intergenerational group to join her on this international pilgrimage" [1]


Accessed June 2013: [2]

Extended Base Camp -- Supporters and Participants



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  1. Beyond Boundaries Home, organizational web page, accessed June 17, 2013.
  2. Beyond Boundaries Team, organizational web page, accessed June 17, 2013.