Charles Dennison Lane

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Charles Dennison Lane was a "visiting senior fellow" at the Watson Institute at Brown University "from July 2004 to June 2005. Before coming to Brown, he was United Nations Administrator first for the Vucitrn/Vushtrri Municipality, Mitrovica Region and then Administrator for the Peje/Pec Municipality in Kosovo. [1]

Lane is a retired colonel of the U.S Army Special Forces, he has held subsequent positions primarily in the Balkans. He received his B.A. in Romance languages and music from Norwich University, Norwich, VT; M.A. in Chinese and Japanese literature from Washington University, St. Louis, MO; and his Ph.D. in political science from Hong Kong University. [2]

Lane is the author of numerous journal articles and the forthcoming book, The Royal Thai Army and the Communist Party of Thailand. He is a member of International Institute for Strategic Studies, London; Military Attaché Hall of Fame; and Royal Institute of Asiatic Studies." [3]


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