Sergey Tsyplenkov
"Sergey has been Director of Greenpeace Russia since 1998. From 1993 – 1998 he was a head of its Forest Program. Sergey was a member of and participated in the activities of the World Bank’s CEO’s Forum on Forests from 1998-2000. In 1999 he joined the Board of Directors of the NGO Forest Trends based in Washington, D.C. where he currently is Vice Chair. He has been a member of the Council of Biodiversity Conservation Center in Moscow since 1999 and a member of initiator group and member of Federal Head-quarter of first All-Russian environmental referendum since 2000. Between 2005 and 2007, Sergey was one of the initiators of the Civil G8 process in Russia and in 2006 he was member of “National Working Group Civil G8. In 2009 he joined the Presidential Council for Human Rights and Civil Society Development where he is still an active member.
"Sergey has authored more than 35 articles and papers on hydrology and meteorology as well as forest, forestry and forest ecology. He has been a participating member of fifteen oceanography, geographical, environmental and forestry expeditions in the Atlantic Ocean, Baltic and Black sea as well as expeditions to around Russia from the Kola Peninsula in the North to Baikal Lake and the Russian Far East. Sergey holds a BA and MA degrees from Moscow State University’s School of Geography."[1]
- Director, Forest Trends