Talk:M. J. Gohel

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Please see User talk:SARS for a long discussion about this article between SourceWatch user SARS and myself. --Neoconned 01:22, 12 Sep 2005 (EDT)

May 2006 - proposed changes to the article

Could contributors please put any proposed changes to the article in this section, along with supporting arguments. Please use a separate subsection for each change. --Neoconned 07:48, 9 May 2006 (EDT)

Gohel's 1998 visit to Kashmir

In her book, Kashmir in Conflict: India, Pakistan and the Unending War, Victoria Schofield reports Gohel's impressions of Kashmir on a private visit there in 1998. Unfortunately, the book is only available online in its Italian edition, therefore the relevant passage has been retranslated to English here as a parallel text:

M. J. Gohel - direttore generale del Segretariato per l'Asia meridionale, un'organizzazione «per la risoluzione dei conflitti» con sede a Londra -, il quale visitò da privato lo Jammu e Kashmir nell'agosto 1998, trovò che nella capitale si respirava «un netto clima di normalità»: «Le giovani coppie andavano in barca sul lago Dal fino a tarda ora, gli alberghi avevano riaperto, le case galleggianti facevano di nuovo affari, le strade erano piene di gente, compresi i turisti stranieri». Tra molti kashmiri percepì «un sollievo unito alla paura che a un certo punto la pace andasse in pezzi». M.J. Gohel - director general of the Secretariat for Southern Asia, an organisation "for conflict resolution" based in London - who visited privately Jammu and Kashmir in August 1998, found "an unmistakeable air of normality" in the capital: "Young couples were boating on Lake Dal until late in the evening, the hotels had reopened, the houseboats were once again doing business, and the streets were full of people, including foreign tourists." Amongst many Kashmiris, he noticed "a sense of relief mixed with fear that at a certain point, peace might break down".

Justification: This is interesting, I didn't know that Gohel visited Kashmir in 1998. It also appears to second-source his role at the Next Century Foundation at that time. TO DO: Need to get hold of a copy of the English edition. An english-italian-english translation is obviously not ideal! (I happen to speak italian to an ok standard). --Neoconned