Shepherd Bliss

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From 1987: "Shepherd Bliss. Ph.D., teaches psychology at John F. Kennedy University in Orinda, California. He edited The New Holistic Health Handbook and currently co-edits The Men’s Studies Review and hosts the "Changing Men" program on KPFA radio. Shepherd divides his time between Boston and the San Francisco Bay Area. This article first appeared in the Yoga Journal (November/December 1986) and is reprinted here with permission." [1]

In a recent interview about his organic farm he said: "Later I taught for a week at the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland–famous for its intentional community and incredible gardens. Among the many books on Findhorn, one of the best is the old The Magic of Findhorn by Paul Hawken. Magic is good, and I feel it here at Kokopelli Farm, Sebastopol countryside, named after the flute player and wounded healer of the Southwestern Pueblo peoples. For a while, I stayed at the Taize spiritual community in France. While there, I learned the long history of monks and nuns farming as part of their spiritual practice. They do so with prayerful attitudes." [2]

My latest contributions to books are to "Sustainability" ( and "Veterans of War, Veterans of Peace," edited by Maxine Hong Kingston (