Talk:Harriman Communications Center

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The following commentary by anon IP # was posted in the Harriman Communications Center article. I've been moved it here. --Sheldon Rampton 17:24, 5 Dec 2004 (EST)

In the proud tradition of printing and broadcasting the truth, this organization must strive to do its part to enlighten the U.S. electorate because the mass media of the U.S.- in particular the TV news broadcasters- have spectacularly failed us.

In this country we are now behind even the Ukraine in freedom of the press, freedom of expression, and availability of coverage for dissenting views. New avenues for broadcasting the truth must be explored and supported immediately.

We now live in a nation that has been fed by broadcast lies for so long, that our citizens will be shocked when and if they suddenly start experiencing a News show willing to broadcast the real truths about their elected officials and about their dishonest legislation and about the unprecedented grabs of power for the benefit of corporations and against the common good, in the FBI, the FCC, the EPA, the CIA, and even in our judicial branches.

They will be shocked to know the chicanery, underhandedness, fraud, threats, and misinformation used by elected officials to force the outcome of the 2004 election in their favor- the will of the people be damned. They manufactured the outcome they wanted, and then used their partisan officials, to further frustrate the will of the voters. This is the "democracy" we live in today.

Is there any party, any legislator, willing to stand firm for the rights of these disenfranchised people ? Will there be a lone representative ready to defend our rights? Will we again be betrayed by our own representatives?

I entreat all of our representatives to stand up for the rights of citizens to have our voices heard in the 2004 Presidential and Congressional election. Have the courage and the honesty to lend your voice and signature to stop the electoral college and stop the inauguration in the name of the voters of this nation. Pending recounts should be honored and their results should be counted fairly. All ill-gotten results produced through fraudulent and criminal means should be disavowed and corrected through carefully-monitored re-votes.

If this is not a democracy then say so.